One of my favorite hobbies has always been taking close up pictures of the outdoors. Outdoors reminds me of Christ amazing love. If He can make everything so beautiful on the outside imagine how beautiful everything could be on the inside. John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whom so ever BELIEVES in Him shall not parish but have EVERLASTING Life! Just Believe!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A New Year

Well its hard to believe  that it  already  2013   - I can remember how moving into the 2000' s was so scary but look at us now!  Well as you can tell I' m not a great blogger but I am going to try to get the weekly hang of it then maybe I can do it daily.    I have only made Valentine gifts for my granddaughters claas but made them out of recycling my youngest granddaughters baby milk containers.  They turned out really cute - I will post a picture shortly - Have a great day!